Monday, May 13, 2019

Oracle auditing setup & configuration

The Oracle audit command is used to to create specific audit trails for Oracle tables.  to enable Oracle auditing you must set the initialization parameter "audit_trail = true" and run the cataudit.sql scripts (as SYS).
Auditing is a method of recording database activity as part of database security. It allows the DBA to track user activity within the database. The audit records will provide information on who performed what database operation and when it was performed. Records are written to a SYS-owned table named AUD$. The SYS.AUD$ (dba_audit_trail) and dba_fga_audit_trail) are commonly referred to as the audit trail.
It is advisable to copy the AUD$ table into a separate tablespace from other SYS-owned objects. In some cases, the AUD$ table should be owned by a user other than SYS. There are three reasons for these two statements:
* The AUD$ table, if auditing is used, may grow to a very large size, depending on the audit options selected.
* In some situations, you may want to add a trigger to the AUD$ table to count logins, monitor for specific actions (prior to 8i), or perform other security-related functions (such as implement password-checking functionality prior to version 8). Remember, you can't add triggers to catalog objects owned by SYS.
* Since the table will grow and shrink and be high activity, it is advisable to move it from the SYSTEM tablespace to avoid fragmentation.
Auditing information is not collected without some impact on performance and database resources. How much of an impact auditing will have on your system depends largely on the type of auditing you enable. For example, setting high-level auditing such as connection activity will not have as much of a performance impact as tracking all SQL statements issued by all users. It is best to start out with high-level auditing and then refine additional auditing as needed.
You can audit all users with the exception of SYS and CONNECT INTERNAL. Auditing can only be performed for users connected directly to the database, not for actions on a remote database.
Auditing should be enabled if the following types of questionable activities are noted:
* Unexplained changes in passwords, tablespace settings, or quotas appear.
* Excessive deadlocks are encountered.
* Records are being read, deleted, or changed without authorization.
There are three types of auditing:
* Statement auditing
* Privilege auditing
* Object auditing

Enabling and Disabling Auditing

The database initialization parameter AUDIT_TRAIL controls the enabling and disabling of auditing. The default setting for this parameter is NONE, which means that no auditing will be performed, regardless of whether or not AUDIT commands are issued. It is important to remember that any auditing statements issued will not be performed if AUDIT_TRAIL=NONE. Unless auditing is enabled in the database parameter initialization file, any auditing options that have been turned on will not create records in the audit trail. Auditing is not completely disabled unless it is set to NONE in the database parameter initialization file.
You must set the database initialization parameter AUDIT_TRAIL to DB or OS in order to enable auditing. The DB setting means the audit trail records are stored in the database in the SYS.AUD$ table. OS will send the audit trail records to an operating system file. The OS setting is operating system-dependent and is not supported on all operating systems.


Managing Oracle audit trails

The Oracle audit command write the audit information to specific data dictionary views.

BEWARE: These audit trail rows can quickly fill-up your SYSTEM tablespace, and special care needs to be taken to ensure that you do not "lock-up" your database, by filling the SYSTEM tablespace.  Check these tables:
  • dba_audit_exists
  • dba_audit_object
  • dba_audit_session
  • dba_audit_statement
  • dba_audit_trail
We also have these metadata views for Oracle auditing options:
  • dba_obj_audit_opts
  • dba_priv_audit_opts
  • dba_stmt_audit_opts

Auditing the audit trail

Today, we need to audit the audit trail itself to prevent "inside jobs" and this Oracle command will record all changes to the audit trail.  See my notes on the types of "inside jobs" and Oracle hackers horror stories:
      delete table,
      insert table,
      update table
   by access;

Auditing user activity with the Oracle audit command

Oracle has syntax for auditing specific user activity.  To audit the activity of user FRED we could issue these audit commands:

Audit all Oracle user activity. 

This audits everything including DDL (create table), DML (inserts, updates, deletes) and login/logoff events:
     audit all by FRED by access;

Audit all Oracle user viewing activity:

   audit select table by FRED by access;

Audit all Oracle user data change activity:

   audit update table, delete table,
      insert table by FRED by access;

Audit all Oracle user viewing activity:

   audit execute procedure by FRED by access;
We can also query the dba_audit_trail view.  Here are the column descriptions from the Oracle documentation:
OS_USERNAMEVARCHAR2(255) Operating system login username of the user whose actions were audited
USERNAMEVARCHAR2(30) Name (not ID number) of the user whose actions were audited
USERHOSTVARCHAR2(128) Client host machine name
TERMINALVARCHAR2(255) Identifier of the user's terminal
TIMESTAMPDATE Date and time of the creation of the audit trail entry (date and time of user login for entries created by AUDIT SESSION) in the local database session time zone
OWNERVARCHAR2(30) Creator of the object affected by the action
OBJ_NAMEVARCHAR2(128) Name of the object affected by the action
ACTIONNUMBERNOT NULLNumeric action type code. The corresponding name of the action type is in the ACTION_NAME column.
ACTION_NAMEVARCHAR2(28) Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in the ACTIONcolumn
NEW_OWNERVARCHAR2(30) Owner of the object named in the NEW_NAME column
NEW_NAMEVARCHAR2(128) New name of the object after a RENAME or the name of the underlying object
OBJ_PRIVILEGEVARCHAR2(16) Object privileges granted or revoked by a GRANT or REVOKE statement
SYS_PRIVILEGEVARCHAR2(40) System privileges granted or revoked by a GRANT or REVOKE statement
ADMIN_OPTIONVARCHAR2(1) Indicates whether the role or system privilege was granted with the ADMINoption
GRANTEEVARCHAR2(30) Name of the grantee specified in a GRANT or REVOKE statement
AUDIT_OPTIONVARCHAR2(40) Auditing option set with the AUDIT statement
SES_ACTIONSVARCHAR2(19) Session summary (a string of 16 characters, one for each action type in the order ALTERAUDITCOMMENTDELETEGRANTINDEXINSERTLOCKRENAME,SELECTUPDATEREFERENCES, and EXECUTE. Positions 14, 15, and 16 are reserved for future use. The characters are:
  • - - None
  • S - Success
  • F - Failure
  • B - Both
LOGOFF_TIMEDATE Date and time of user log off
LOGOFF_LREADNUMBER Logical reads for the session
LOGOFF_PREADNUMBER Physical reads for the session
LOGOFF_LWRITENUMBER Logical writes for the session
LOGOFF_DLOCKVARCHAR2(40) Deadlocks detected during the session
COMMENT_TEXTVARCHAR2(4000) Text comment on the audit trail entry, providing more information about the statement auditedAlso indicates how the user was authenticated. The method can be one of the following:
  • DATABASE - Authentication was done by password
  • NETWORK - Authentication was done by Oracle Net Services or the Advanced Security option
  • PROXY - Client was authenticated by another user; the name of the proxy user follows the method type
SESSIONIDNUMBERNOT NULLNumeric ID for each Oracle session
ENTRYIDNUMBERNOT NULLNumeric ID for each audit trail entry in the session
STATEMENTIDNUMBERNOT NULLNumeric ID for each statement run
RETURNCODENUMBERNOT NULLOracle error code generated by the action. Some useful values:
  • 0 - Action succeeded
  • 2004 - Security violation
PRIV_USEDVARCHAR2(40) System privilege used to execute the action
CLIENT_IDVARCHAR2(64) Client identifier in each Oracle session
SESSION_CPUNUMBER Amount of CPU time used by each Oracle session
EXTENDED_TIMESTAMPTIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE Timestamp of the creation of the audit trail entry (timestamp of user login for entries created by AUDIT SESSION) in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone
PROXY_SESSIONIDNUMBER Proxy session serial number, if an enterprise user has logged in through the proxy mechanism
GLOBAL_UIDVARCHAR2(32) Global user identifier for the user, if the user has logged in as an enterprise user
INSTANCE_NUMBERNUMBER Instance number as specified by the INSTANCE_NUMBER initialization parameter
OS_PROCESSVARCHAR2(16) Operating System process identifier of the Oracle process
TRANSACTIONIDRAW(8) Transaction identifier of the transaction in which the object is accessed or modified
SCNNUMBER System change number (SCN) of the query
SQL_BINDNVARCHAR2(2000) Bind variable data of the query
SQL_TEXTNVARCHAR2(2000) SQL text of the query
This query by Arup Nanda, co-author of "Oracle Privacy Security Auditing", shows a sample query against dba_audit_trail for standard Oracle auditing.  You can download his complete set of auditing scripts when you buy his book.
select 'standard audit', sessionid,
    proxy_sessionid, statementid, entryid, extended_timestamp, global_uid,
    username, client_id, null, os_username, userhost, os_process, terminal,
    instance_number, owner, obj_name, null, new_owner,
    new_name, action, action_name, audit_option, transactionid, returncode,
    scn, comment_text, sql_bind, sql_text,
    obj_privilege, sys_privilege, admin_option, grantee, priv_used,
    ses_actions, logoff_time, logoff_lread, logoff_pread, logoff_lwrite,
    logoff_dlock, session_cpu

This is just a tiny sample of the Oracle audit functionality and see the book "Oracle Privacy Security Auditing", for details and working scripts for Oracle auditing. 

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